Meet Tutor Jennifer

“Why do you love your job?” – is a question that is both difficult and easy to answer. There are people who would answer that they love their jobs because of money, others would answer that they do not love their jobs at all and are only keeping them out of necessity. Some people would say that their love for their jobs is conditional – which means that they will only love their jobs if they constantly acquiesce to their demands, but there are still people who just simply love their jobs.

All these answers are valid – as nobody else aside from us could feel whether we love our jobs or not. This year, Weblio Philippines’ president, Shinto Mitsunaga, has visited some of our home-based tutors. He mentions that it’s an ongoing project of his to meet all of Weblio’s hardworking tutors – as a way of expressing gratitude to the endless services they continue to provide and to motivate them to do their best.

We live in a time where our constant dedication to our respective jobs is rightfully rewarded, we should also learn to take it easy. By using this time to reflect on our own motivations, desires, and sometimes our insecurities – we might be able to find the path that will lead us to answer the question, “Why do you love your job?”

We hope that our tutors have also found their own answers to this question.

The lives we lead have the potential to become great stories. You don’t have to be a world-famous writer to develop a passion for storytelling; all you need to have is the imagination, the drive to see beyond our horizons and the inspiration to keep going. Our constant obsession with wanting to lead perfect lives is our main hubris – after all, who wouldn’t want to lead a life without any worries?

But perfect lives do not make compelling stories, nor do they inspire people at their core. Inspiration comes from limitations – in the form of imperfections, struggles, and sometimes, other people. Jennifer Chiong, our very own home-based tutor, has a lot of things to say about this.

Jennifer is an aspiring writer and storyteller. As a writer, she draws inspiration from reality and infuses it with a bit of her imaginative touch. Jennifer finds inspiration in the media she consumes and of course, from her daily activities. When asked about the kind of media she likes or draws inspiration from, she cites Japanese films and dramas as her main influences. She is also an avid learner, as she is currently learning the Japanese language.

L-R: Kajikawa-san from head office, President Shinto-san, and Tutor Jennifer

When asked about her home life, Jennifer mentions that she has two daughters – people she cherishes and holds dearly in her life. She also openly shares about her experience as a home-based tutor in Weblio. She enjoys talking to her students and finds her relationship with them to be a learning experience for her; her students learn English from her and at the same time, she learns a lot from them, particularly about Japanese culture. The time she has spent in Weblio is a memorable one for Jennifer. When asked about things she would like to see in the future from Weblio, she remarks that she hopes Weblio to host a party for its home-based tutors.

L-R: EJ from HR, President Shinto-san,
Kajikawa-san from head office, and Tutor Jennifer

We are all protagonists in the lives we lead and like the protagonists we admire, we come to find that life offers us a delicate touch of trials which we need to overcome to gain success. Great stories aren’t molded by people who were thrust or born into greatness but are molded by people who lead ordinary yet fulfilling lives. Jennifer is on her way to craft her greatest piece yet: her life.

4 thoughts on “Meet Tutor Jennifer

  • I loved WEBLIO EIKAIWA so much and I loved my job as an english tutor..The reasons are:
    Weblio is a great company with a good heart for its emloyees…I have worked as a Nurse in Dubai and I have been a third year student of the College of Law, but in Weblio, I found the permanent happiness more than more than the happiness and fullfillment I get while I am working as a Nurse and when I get into Law School…Talking with Japanese students and being able to hear and learn about their culture makes me happy from the heart..I realized that this is where I wanna grow old with, to be in a job that brings me laughter and takes me to another world… THANK YOU SO MUCH…

  • Yes. great stories aren’t molded by people who were thrust or born into greatness but are molded by people who lead ordinary yet fulfilling lives..and never stops making other people’s life story that great.

    Thank you for your beautiful and inspiring story, Jennifer.

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