The Benefits of Teaching Online

Working is always good when you love your job. Who would have taught that I have been teaching for 5 years already?

For some, teaching online is not as prestigious as being employed to private or public schools. Nevertheless, I think that teaching online has its own benefits and advantages too.

Convenience. Unlike office or school-based jobs, I don’t have to deal with long hours of travel time every day anymore. This means that I get to save money from transportation fare, keep myself away from air pollution, and have more time for other tasks.

Flexible schedule. As an online tutor, I have full control over my schedule. I can choose the days and times I want to teach depending on my availability. I also have the freedom to take a vacation/leave without having to worry about my attendance record as long as I keep my slots closed during my leave.

Self-improvement. Online teaching became a way for me to improve myself in many ways. I gained the confidence to communicate with different kinds of people using the English language. I continued to improve my teaching strategies. I kept learning various teaching methods.

If you’re unsure if you want to do online teaching, don’t worry, it’s normal to feel that way at first. You just got to do it one step at a time. Here at Weblio, our team provides training and support to all our tutors. Weblio makes sure that every tutor is given sufficient guidance before starting to teach online.

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