What would you do when your student doesn’t understand “Do you understand that?”

What do you do when your student doesn't understand Do you speak English

Hi everyone

Have you ever had an online English teaching lesson and had a hard time sharing basic information, such as your name or your students’ hometown, especially with beginners?

We learned how to introduce ourselves in Japanese briefly last time (kindly visit here)
but there are a little bit more to cover that might be able to help you.

このページのみかた How to read this page
Depending on situations, there can be more than one expression that stands for an English expression/word.
Here, we explain how to choose appropriate words with those icons below.
ハートのマーク3Friendly Expression くだけた言い方
シンプルなビジネスバッグFormal Expression フォーマルな言い方
注意マークの線画アイコンNOTE 気を付けること
Also, if ever you have trouble understanding Japanese expressions or words in this content, kindly visit our site: weblio dictionary.

Now lets begin!

I live in…
Expression: 私は…に住んでいます
Pronunciation: watashi ha … ni sunde imasu
The term “watashi” stand for “I” or “me” which can be used for both formal and informal situations.
“sunde” = live
“imasu” = an expression to conclude a sentence
“doko” = where
if you want to ask “where do you live?” say; “doko ni sunde imasu ka?”
My hometown is…
Expression: 私の出身は…です
Pronunciation: watashi no shusshin ha … desu
“watashi” = I or me
“shusshin” = hometown
I am — years old.
Expression: 私は…才です
Pronunciation: watashi ha … sai desu
“watashi” = I or me
“…sai” = … years old
“desu” = an expression to conclude a sentence
I am a (student/housewife).
Expression: 私は(生徒/主婦)です
Pronunciation: watashi ha (seito/shufu) desu
“watashi” = I or me
“seito” = student
“shufu” = housewife
“koukou sei” = high school student
“chuugaku sei” = middle school student
“shougaku sei” = elementary school student
I work as a…
Expression: 私の仕事は…です
Pronunciation: watashi no shigoto ha … desu
“shigoto” = occupation
“kaisha in” = office worker
“sensei” = teacher
“gakusei” = student (in general)
“koumu in” = public servant
“keisatu kan” = police officer
What’s your occupation?
Expression: お仕事は何ですか?
Pronunciation: oshigoto ha nan desu ka?
Expression: お仕事を教えてください
Pronunciation: oshigoto wo oshiete kudasai
I live with my family.
Expression: 私は家族と暮らしています
Pronunciation: watashi ha kazoku to kurashite imasu
“kazoku” = family
“kurashite” = live
Please introduce yourself.
Expression: 自己紹介してください
Pronunciation: jiko shoukai shite kudasai
“jiko” = self
“shoukai” = introduction

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