Hi everyone,
Why isn’t it raining this year in the Philippines?
Anyway, we are going to learn some practical Japanese expressions this time.
Attention! The following contents are practical but can be rather advanced!
Depending on situations, there can be more than one expression that stands for an English expression/word.
Here, we explain how to choose appropriate words with those icons below.
Friendly Expression くだけた言い方
NOTE 気を付けること
Let’s begin now.
いいね。(ii ne)いいじゃん(ii jan)
Your text book might say something like 私はそれが好きです(watashi ha sore ga suki desu). But trust me, we don’t say that.
好きです。(suki desu)好きだよ。(suki dayo)
According to text books you might be reccomended to say something like 私はあなたの事が好きです-ish expression, but they are not really used. We don’t use subject or object like that. It;s obvious who likes who, when some one say 好きです(suki desu)! Am i wrong?!
髪型似合ってるね(kamigata niatteru ne)
An expression 私はあなたの髪が好きです(watashi ha anata no kami ga suki desu) which would probably be translated into English as “I like your hair,” is a big no. You can not catch attract girls this way. Instead, 髪型似合ってるね(kamigata niatteru ne) is more like “that hairstyle suits you.” and more natural. We don’t always go straight to the point.
大好き(dai suki) 大好きです(dai suki desu)
Something like 愛しています(ai shite imasu) is kind of obsolete. It does make sense though!
おなか減った(onaka hetta) 腹減った(hara hetta)
onaka = stomack, hetta = past form of “decrease.” 腹減った (hara hetta) can often be said by male. おなか減った(onaka hetta), female.
Now pay attention that you might mean “I want to go to sleep” in English by saying “I’m tired,” but not in Japanese. The only thing we mean is physical tiredness or dullness.
ごめん(gomen) わるいわるい(warui warui)
Yes, we do apologize a lot.
じゃあね(jaa ne) またね(mata ne) バイバイ(bai bai)
ね(ne) at the end of a sentence can be used to soften an entire expression of the sentence.
Well, how did you like the contents this time?
Although they can be used right away, can be difficult as they are not on textbooks.
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